Monday, November 26, 2007

Get Money

Dear Yeti,

Where does there term breadwinner come from? Did
people at one point only work so they could buy bread?
Wouldn't that be a bland existence?

I think you may be on to something. As most people know (especially if you are in the Southern Indiana area), bread is an important staple to mankind. One could argue that it is the most important staple. Need proof? I dare you to go to Kroger the night before a predicted snow fall and see what people are buying. I would lay $20 that there's a loaf of bread in every cart. You'll probably also find a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk, which must mean that everyone plans on making French toast for breakfast the next morning. I mean, what the hell?

Mmmmmmm...French Toast!

Given this, I guess you could make the argument the term could also be eggwinner or milkwinner. But those just sound dumb.

Until next time,

The Yeti


pH said...

salami,ham, cheese, pepporcini, miller lite winner

The Bar Belle said...

What about weinerwinner? I guess Budwinner sounds much better.

Anonymous said...

perhaps just spiritual love is what we should be asking ourselves and getting over our human inscurities FED to us by hollywood and used against us as of christmas thats the only reason people get offended to seek our creator and give yahweh thru christ for we ALL for the bird,flipping someone the bird in total anger just means an upside down version of peace,as in i wish you no peace or youre giving me no peace so heres an upsidedown version to demon-strate
our hatred towards evil and i dont like getting mad. if we really think about it.speaking of christmas.chew on our pineals and ask god for repentance everyday when i look up at a beautiful sunrise and creation my goal is not to flip out and give someone a rude rear intestinal plugging gesture think before the other end speaks. right everone? have a great
not grateing day.

Anonymous said...

um about marijuana,i dont advise it,we dont want confused poltergeists during marital lovemaking so,i event-ually figured clean and clear marital love (lower organ vibrational energies) but we should seek higher love,between man and woman like what steve winwood sang about bringing us one. a maticating juicer,and ginseng,over the long haul should make two a one godly couple. or for agnotics athiests or ones that follow the zohar,make you feel whole,full,and complete.regardless of what you find there. enjoy.